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Home > I.T. Help > Employee Terminations - Notify IT
Employee Terminations - Notify IT
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OHS Employee Terminations

It is extremely important to notify IT in advance of any employee's work end-date -- for the financial and social security of the organization.


If an employee's work end date is beyond the point at which IT disables accounts and communications, the organization's security, financial stability, and reputation are laid vulnerable. Your responsibility as a people manager is as important as it is simple.


Voluntary Terminations:

Fill out a ticket in advance of the termination date.


Involuntary Terminations:

  • Teams message Jean Rogers on the morning of the termination
  • Provide termination time for the exiting employee.
  • Enter a termination ticket after the involuntary term discussion is complete, so the rest of the details get handled properly.


Kyle Elledge is Jean Rogers's backup if Jean is out of office. The same directions apply.

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